Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April fools' day

Hello again
Have you heard about April fools' day?? It takes place every 1rst of April . It's something similar to our "Dia dels sants innocents".If you want to know more about it here you have a link to wikipedia .
April fools' day

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Modal verbs(1rst Batxillerat)

Hello dear students.Here you have a power point.On the one hand you have an extense explanation on simple and perfect modals. On the other you can see some exercises .
Modal verbs

Let's revise conditionals(4th of ESO)

Hello again dear students. Here you have some exercises to revise conditionals.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Have you seen what's new on the blog?

Have you realised that you can LISTEN TO MUSIC WHILE VISITING THE BLOG?Have a look at the right section of the blog.
You can also READ THE QUOTATION OF THE DAY at the top of the right column.There will be a new one each day
Finally if you scroll down the page you will FIND THE HISTORICAL REFERENCE OF THE DAY and SOME PICTURES.
I hope you enjoy our new sections

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

1rst Batxillerat: Revising gerunds and infinitive

Do you remember our next exam?Here you have some exercises to revise.Try to do them after having revised gerund and infinitives.You can check your answers on line.
Exercise on gerunds and infinitives
More exercises