Sunday, December 19, 2010

First Batxillerato.Comenius Information

Hi boys and girls
Here you have a link to the blog of our Comenius project called "Art Brought to Life". Here you can find the name of the different schools are involved in the project
Art Brought to Life
Visit also our highschool webpage.Go to INFORMACIÓ ACADÈMICA and then to COMENIUS.There you will find a little summary of the beginning of the programme and some pictures of last year trip to Hongry.
Our High School.Information on Comenius

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Check the following can try to write the phonetic transcription of the following words.
Phonetic transcription

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Hi dear students
Summer is here.I hope you have enjoyed the course and I hope you enjoy your SUMMER HOLIDAYS a lot too.
Here you have the link to our High school's Website...There you can find
-Reading books for next course
-Class book and workbook
-SEPTEMBER TESTS SCHEDULE(calendari examens de setembre)

Monday, May 24, 2010

Reported speech

Here you have a link to a quiz to check your Reported Speech knowledge

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Our next exam is due on Friday we should start revising. REMEMBER TO COPY YOUR MISTAKES ON YOUR NOTEBOOK
Passives 1
Will or be going to
Irregular verbs
Past tenses
Formal letter (read and answer the questions)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1 rst Batxillerat. LET'S REVISE

We've got an exam next week let's revise
Be going to or will
Make , do and take verb collocations. Choose 3 verb collocations of each verb and write one sentence in your notebook
Verb revision
Verb revision
Gerunds and infinitives